PureFish Fresh Local Delivery Serving All Of San Diego County Direct & Overnight Shipping only in Southern California
PureFish Fine Dining Quality Now Delivering To Your Home Fresh Sustainable Seafood !

Fresher Than Fresh.
Fresh on Your Schedule.

What is Fresher Than Fresh ?


"Well, This Aint Your Grandma's Frozen Fish"


Frozen seafood has had put a bad taste in our mouths (pun intended) in the USA for the last 40+ years ...


This is because historically fish was frozen at the last moment after it could not be sold fresh and before it went bad, but as the old saying goes "Garbage in Garbage Out" this lead to poor quality bad tasting "older & low quality" that literally turned off many people to eating seafood again.


Well technology has changed drastically in the last decade & new "flash or ultra frozen" method has become the preference for many countries like Japan for "freezing time & locking in freshness for months, not just days, while not effecting the quality of the fish when thawed properly.


PureFish uses state of the art "shock freezing" methods that rapid freeze the product within minutes so we are able to literally stop time & lock in that freshness and quality until you decide to thaw and enjoy. It's FRESH on your schedule now.


Thus stopping any deterioration & bacteria growth that causes fresh fish to loose its quality & become "fishy" as it has to travel for 7+ days if not weeks before being consumed past its peak freshness.


PureFish are experts in fresh fish, but we are also huge believers in technology, reducing the carbon footprint of shipping seafood, & developed our proprietary method to make sure every PureFish you get is as fresh as the day it left the water.


Thats "Fresher Than Fresh". Consistent Quality & Taste, any day & every day no matter where you live.